Chapters 26-End


  1. (Mattie’s Point of view) Chapter 26-Epilogue

    I have been in a great mood for these few weeks. First, The first frost came! That means that the fever officially left Philadelphia! It is the best thing I have heard in a long time. The coffee house is reopened and me and Eliza are running it together, Mother has come home, I have grown a better relationship with Nathaniel.(1)
    Even though me live has improved a lot I still have a few problems such as, mother being to weak to work and the thoughts of how many people my town has lost. These issues are hard because even though the fever is gone, there are some conflicts that were not here before the fever. (2)
    The first conflict which is that Mother is weak and can’t work the coffee shop. This makes me feel upset because just a couple months ago, she was bossing me around and now she can’t even hold a coffee cup straight. The other conflict i'm experiencing is the grieve of all the citizens of Philadelphia. I just feel like it is crazy to believe that over a thousand people in my area have died. My town feels empty now and it is depressing walking past the graveyard and seeing so many people dead. (3)
    Yellow fever these last few months have really spread people farther apart and have caused a lot of grief. Finally, we see the end of this deadly fever that has killed thousands. That is such great news but yellow fever has left a lot of people weak and helpless. (4)
    I have changed since the beginning of this journey of this epidemic. First, I have become more responsible. At the start of the yellow fever outbreak, I was complaining about how I Had to work and now I am running the coffee shop with Eliza. Second, I have become more independent. At first I had to be taken care of by Mother and Grandfather but now I am able to take care of myself as well others like Nell.(5)
    Princess and the frog and chapters 26-epilogue have a connection because in Princess in the frog Tiana and Levine have a partnership for their restaurant and Eliza and Mattie have a partnership for the coffee shop.(6)

    1. Nick T.
      How do you think Mattie would have felt if Mother never would have returned home?

    2. Nick T.
      If Mother hadn't returned I think that Mattie would've been upset because it would have meant she would never see her mother again and this would have devastated Mattie.

    3. Jada A.

      I really like your conection to the princess and the frog, It shows how mcuh we really can trust that reall one close friend we have. We trust them with everything.

    4. What do you think would happen if mother came home earlier?

    5. I really like how you used the connection of Tianan and Levine with their restaurant as an example of the same thing happening with Mattie and Eliza.

  2. Mattie's Point of veiw Chapters 26-End

    (1) The first frost came! So Eliza and I reopened the coffee house with a little help from Nathaniel. We also found out that mother is home but she is still recovering and cant walk without help.
    (2) more and more people are coming back to philadelphia and more shops are opening. The coffee house has been really busy and so we have been selling soup and giving out free samples.
    (3) It has been hard to see mother struggling. I’ve never seen her like this and so we tell her to rest and that we’ll handle the customers.
    (4) We believe that the fever is gone from philadelphia and we hope things will go back to the way they were.
    (5) From polly’s death to now i feel i have become very trustworthy and mature. I helped grandfather and read a bible verse when he passed, I took care of nell and the boys when they were sick and I helped Eliza with the sick patients.
    (6) I can relate this to cinderella. When cinderella helps around the house. Mattie is also very helpful throughout this whole novel.

    1. Great post! How is Mattie very helpful thoughout the whole novel?

    2. Why was mother unable to walk?

      -Brock W

    3. Thanks Hope. Mattie helps with the coffee house after polly dies, she helps take care of grandfather when he is feeling week and takes care of all the sick patiants with Eliza. She also takes care of Nell and the boys when they catch the fever

    4. Mother could walk but it is hard for her. She just recovered from the fever and feels very week.

    5. Could you explain your setting a little more, and could you explain your connection better that way we can really see the connection between Cinderella and Mattie?

  3. Chap 26-End (Mattie’s Point of View)

    (1): “Ya! The horrible yellow fever is gone and is replaced by the cold and frost. The children are doing great, the town is bustling again. Eliza and I are reopening the coffeehouse which has become a success. President Washington went down our street.The best off all mother has come home, but she does look much older and frail than she was. Also she is more caring and concerning. Better than her yelling at me.”

    (2): “What I’ve been experiencing over the past month and a half is what it normally should be. A bustling, busy, productive, Philadelphia. Eliza and I have reopened the coffeehouse and it’s like nothing happened. But what has happened is that mother, isn’t, mother. I know she’s the same woman but she’s nicer and older. I do miss the old mother even though she was strict from time to time, she was stronger and better than now. But before we had reopened the coffeehouse I had wanted a partnership with Eliza, but she seemed reluctant. She would come up with a reason why we shouldn’t do it but I came back with a reason why until Mother Smith convinced Eliza to take the partnership. That meaning the coffeehouse was back in business.”

    (3): “What I’ve been feeling over this past month and a half is I’m for one super happy and a bit nervous. Reason being that I’m nervous is because I was worried Eliza wasn’t going to take the partnership and work with me in the coffeehouse. She was reluctant, but then Mother Smith stepped in and convinced Eliza to take the partnership. Also I am very happy! The fever has diminished, Mother is ok the coffeehouse is back open for business. Everything is just going well. Even though mother is weak and feeble I’m still glad to see her alive. But like I said the fever has diminished. That’s the most important thing. The market is busiling again, about everyone I know has survived. Except for Grandfather, may he rest in peace.”

    (4): “The only instance yellow fever I had experienced before it has diminished is when Eliza and I moved the furniture outside to expose it to the frost to get rid of the fever, and when the 3 children were recovering from that fever. Thank goodness they are ok and a lot of other people are well and doing fine.”

    (5): “I very much think that I am maturing. For one during the end of August I felt like I was pretty much lazy and a little unproductive. Mother would point that out from time to time. Anyway, now it’s the middle of December and I’m the first one up and making coffee for my family and setting out the breakfast plates. Also, Eliza and I have reopened the coffeehouse and it was my idea. People said that I shouldn't open it but I refused as opposed to saying yes your right but I thought that I could because I was capable and not some little girl that I used to be.”

    (Third Person) (6): For my real world connection I can connect the yellow fever epidemic to World War II. To start off both of the events lasted for a while. Both of the events had taken many people's lives but even though in World War II people took people's lives and in Fever 1793 a natural cause took people’s lives, the similarities are still there. Then after these 2 events everything went relatively back to normal even though tragedy had struck.

    1. Why did they expose the furniture to the outside?

    2. Very good post, How do you think Mattie and Eliza would have felt if Mother wouldn't have came back?-Tiye J

    3. Gina, The reason why is they moved the furniture outside is so the frost and cool air would get rid of the pestilence off of the furniture.

    4. I think that they would have been really sad because throughout the story Mattie has been worried about Mother ever since she left Philadelphia and based by their reactions when she did come home, if she didn't come home they would've been really sad and depressed that she's not home.

  4. Mattie is back at the coffeehouse with Eliza and the three children. Mattie wakes up and finds out that the first frost has come. Which means the Fever is gone. Now that the frost is gone Mattie and Eliza decide to open the coffeehouse again.(1) Mattie experience having to survive the Fever, helping others with the fever, and growing as a person. Mattie cared for Nell, which was a large responsibility that she took forth. Mattie also saw the fever and how it impacted people as well as the frost took over the fever. She even experienced the return of President Washington when the fever was over. (2) Mattie is becoming happier since the frost has come and the fever is gone. Mattie was still worried about her mother because she had not returned yet. When General George Washington returned, that told everyone that the fever was gone and everyone was save again. When Mattie found out that mother was home she was relieved even though she may be weak, but, she is safe at home.(3) The fever is now gone. People still can't believe that thousands of lives were taken from this tragic disease. People have realized that many people moving on from this event, while others are not. The fever was wiped out by the frost and left everyone happy again. (4) Mattie is maturing as a character because she has become more responsible. She takes responsibility and reopens the coffeehouse. She is also helping out her mother because her mother is still weak from the fever. (5) A real world connection to Fever 1793 is the story of The Princess and the Frog. In The Princess and the Frog Tiana runs a restaurant and hopes to own a restaurant in New Orleans one day. She also works very hard cooking and cleaning. The Princess and the Frog relates to Fever 1793 because Mattie works very hard cleaning and cooking at the coffee house and one day dreams to live in Paris. Just like Tiana worked hard everyday to own a restaurant in New Orleans one day. (6)

    1. Reese S.
      I really like your connection, because like in Fever 1793, in the Princess and the Frog the main character faces a huge setback, but that only makes her work harder, which is basically what happened to Mattie.

    2. Reese, Thank you!

    3. In your blog post you say that Mattie saw the fever and how it impacted people. How do you think she saw it impact people and in what way.

    4. I really like your connection, it goes well with these chapters. Tiana is just like Mattie in the fact that she works so hard to accomplish a dream of hers. Landrey D

  5. Nate Turowski
    Chapters 26-End take place mainly in the coffeehouse, but partially in the street outside of the coffeehouse. This takes place late October through December, 1793. (1) During these chapters, Mattie experiences the responsibility of having to run a small business, the frost killing the fever, the return of Mother, seeing president washington, and taking care of three sick children. (2) During these chapters, Mattie feels relieved and anxious when Mother returns. She is relieved because she has been searching for her throughout the entire novel. She feels anxious because she wants to know what happened to her. She also felt joyful whenever the frost came and the fever died out. This is because she would no longer have to worry about her loved ones getting sick or the children dying. She also felt commanding whenever she was put in charge of the coffeehouse. This is because she could run it however she wanted. (3) On instance of yellow fever is when the frost comes and kills it. This is a major part of the story because it resolves all previous conflicts for the most part. (4) Mattie is maturing as a character by being more in charge. This is shown when she gains control over the coffeehouse and is put in a position of power. I feel that during the first few chapters, Mattie would not be able to do this. (5) A connection that I can make to these chapters is in the movie Birdbox whenever the main character finds safety in the school for the blind. This is similar to the book because when the frost kills the fever, it ended something terrible, just as it did in birdbox. (6)

    1. Wesley M
      Mattie was also worried when she saw mother because she was not in good physical shape when she arrived. She needed to be helped out of the wagon and had a hard time walking.

    2. I like your connection to birdbox because in both situations the characters feel like they have no control over what happens. - Aly E

  6. It is some time after the frost. The fever is gone people are starting to flood back into the city. (1) Mattie wants to open up the coffee house but Eliza doesn't agree and wants to sell it. Mattie and Eliza eventually agree on opening the coffeehouse back up with Eliza as the cook and Mattie being the waitress.(2) Mattie is happy about this because even tough mother is not back yet she can still make it as close to normal as she can.(3) After a while of the coffee house being open Mattie and Nathaniel notice a crowd of people outside so they go look what it is. They notice that the president was coming back into town after the fever has vanished. They then notice mother walking up to the coffeehouse after she has survived the fever and it was safe to come back.(4) Mattie has matured a lot in the past chapters without mother and has learned to survive on her own for the longest time.(5) I can connect this to the greatest showman when the mom leaves because of the fight that she had with he husband but she ends up coming back like Mother did in the book. (6) -Aly E

    1. Great connection! I can also relate The Greatest Showman to Fever 1793 because in the movie a terrible accident happens, which causes chaos throughout the city. This is also seen in Fever when the fever begins to show up in town.

      -Mikayla H.

    2. Thank you so much! I was thinking for a while and thought that it would be perfect. I never thought of it in the way of the disaster that happened in both. -Aly E

  7. Thad.F

    (Mattie pov)

    This morning I woke to that wretched cat licking my face. I looked outside just to see that the first frost has covered my lawn I was beyond excited it meant the fever was finally over! I shouted for Eliza and when she came she was happy to.She dragged the furniture outside to get rid of the pestilence completely.Soon merchants were arriving with lots of food we had dinner an invited a lot of people we knew. We discussed what we were going to do now everyone had wanted me to sell the shop but i wanted to run it myself. After a little debate we decide that Eliza and I will run the coffee house as partners. Not long later president washington arrived everyone was so happy to have him back and with him came mother. I was so happy to have mother back and she was happy to be back. In only 3-4 years nathaniel will be able to run his own art business. We are thinking of giving cakes to the state house and nathaniel wants to paint us a design for the coffee house.I can relate this to every disney princess movie because it has a happy ending. But really i can connect this to the end of jurassic world because the parents came back and the crisis was over yet still so many died it will be hard to forget.

    1. Where did Washington go?

      -Brock W

    2. Why did President Washington leave in the first place?

      -Audrey K.

    3. Thad F
      Brock he went out of philadelphia to escape the fever this also answers Aureys

  8. (1)(matties pov) october 24 -december 11th We were at the coffee house for a bit but then i went to the market and saw nathanael (2) We feasted and talked about mother and what we will do with the coffee house but then i get the idea, Me and eliza can both run the coffee house, mother smith convinced eliza to do it. The coffee house is open for business again.after a couple days there is a knock at the door It was mother! She went out to look for me but couldn't find me and ended up getting sick again, she was extremely fatigued. after everything i woke before sunrise and prepared for the day. (3) I have felt happy because mother has come home we still have nell, and we all live under the same roof. (4) There are very few fever instances because the frost got rid of the pestilence. (5) (3rd person pov) Mattie has matured throughout the story because we start with her being lazy and not getting up when she needed to and this time she got up before the sunrise and nobody else was awake(6) i can relate to mattie getting up before everybody because when i was little (this is very faint so i might get it completely) I was up before my mom and dad and our basement was my playroom and i wanted to go down there but there was a hook lock but i couldn't reach it so i pulled a chair up to it and unlocked it and went downstairs.

    1. Jack, I like your connection. I can relate to it because when I was younger I would always wake up before everyone else like you did. Great connection!
      -Nate Turowski

    2. Thank you Nate!

  9. Landrey D
    First Person (Matties Point of View)
    The fever is finally over! The frost came and everything went back to almost normal, grandfather is gone for good. Mother came back to the coffee house which Eliza and I are running again.(1) Mother was at the Ludington’s recovering, she returned when the frost came. Eliza and I became partners at the coffee house. Nathaniel and I are talking. Nell, William and Robert are well now. (2) It is so great that the fever is over. It is like a rush of relief, things already seem less gloomy and more cheerful around here lately. Farmers are coming back and selling their goods, with big smiles.(3) Mother still isn’t all the way well, she still is really weak. It is amazing how Nathaniel and I have been talking and getting so much more close. Eliza and I have been doing quite well on the coffee house, we have had many customers. I still miss grandfather, everything would be 10 times better if he was here. (4) From the beginning of yellow fever to now I have gotten so much stronger and mature, due to all the things I have gone through these last couple of months. For example when grandfather died and when I had to survive all on my own.(5) In the show Manifest, passengers have been missing for 5 years, when they come back they are all reunited with their families. Just like in the chapters Mattie's mother comes back from being missing for months.

    1. What other things has Mattie gone through making her stronger and more mature?

    2. Great connection! It goes great with these chapters! How is the bussiness going based on the details it gives us?
      -Nora Salem

  10. Reese W. (Third person)
    Mattie is back at the coffee house with Eliza and the children, the first frost of the season approached and the fever vanished, finally the town of Philadelphia was back to normal. 1.) Since the fever has passed Mattie wants to reopen the coffee house but she would need the help of someone so she offers Eliza the job but at first she thinks its a bad idea and wants to sell the coffee house after discussion the come to agreement and decide to keep the coffee house in business. Although Mattie is happy about the business reopening and the fever vanishing, she still was worried about Mother. Mattie still didn’t know if Mother was safe if she was ok and Mattie was so worried but continued running the coffee house because there was nothing left to do. After serving guests at the coffee house they see President Washington coming down the street followed by other cars with people who left Philadelphia due to the fever. Surprisingly mother stepped out of one of the carriages and Mattie was ecstatic.⅔.) In these chapters there were not many instances of yellow fever other than the frost getting rid of the pestilence. 4.) Mattie has matured even more through these chapter by becoming even more of a independent young lady, she takes on this role of independence by reopening the coffee shop. 5.) A real world connection to these chapters would be birdbox because at the end they are all safe from the outside world just like after the first frost Mattie is safe from the fever. 6.)

    1. I love your connection it was very well thought. What do you think the first thought was going in everyone's mind when they seen the first frost?-Tiye J

    2. Izzy Ramey

      I never thought about the Birdbox connection! I think that also applies to a location in "Supernatural". A man built a railroad track in the shape of a pentagram, which traps spirits and other inhuman creatures. This protects and/or helps the main protagonists, just like at the end of Birdbox. As I was reading, I just thought both connections were very similar.

  11. Chelsea W
    Third person

    The frost has come and people have started to flee into philadelphia again. Chapters 26 through the end have many different settings including, the coffee house and the streets of Philadelphia. The coffeehouse has reopened due to everyone coming back to Philadelphia. (1) Mattie experiences many things in these chapters due to all the busy things going on in Philadelphia and the coffee house reopening. Mattie is still taking care of Nell which makes things a bit more challenging. Mother is acting differently whole chaos caused so much change in her life. (2) Mattie feels many emotions during the end of the book like happiness and nervousness because mother is coming back in town and they are reopening the coffee house. There are many emotions that take place in these chapters due to everyone coming back to Philadelphia. (3) Some instances of yellow fever are when there is frost in Philadelphia which gets rid of yellow fever. (4) Mattie is maturing throughout these chapters because she has opened a business with Eliza and is running it without mother. Mattie has become more independent from the beginning of the book not wanting to get out of bed to the end when she gets up early to open up the coffee house. (5) I can connect these chapters to the movie Cinderella. In the movie Cinderella she helps around the house just like Mattie in the Coffee house. (6)

    1. Do you think that the story would have changed at all is mother had never come back? Great blog post!

      -Mikayla H.

    2. I really like your connection to Cinderella because she is very independent as a young woman just like Mattie and proves that she can do things on her own.

      -Audrey K.

  12. Brock W
    October 17th, 1973, Mattie woke up to find herself outside because the night before she was too weak to make it inside while attempting to get water.(1) Once she gained her conscience Mattie noticed the first frost, then she called Eliza out and they both almost worshiped it because that meant the fever has died.(2) Both Mattie and Eliza feel overjoyed but Mattie questioned Eliza’s thought of bringing out all of the furniture so the pestilence would go away.(3) Being that the fever has died people started flooding back home so that means that shops and markets are going to open back up.(4) Mattie is now developing a trait that she has loss which is happiness, Mattie has survived the fever so she can now try to find mother and not have to worry so much.(5) When mother came back into the book it reminded me of Han Solo’s return into the series Star Wars (Movie 6 - Return Of The Jedi) just because they both came back after a long amount of time.(6)

    1. Why did Mattie question Eliza's thought of taking the furniture outside?

    2. Lucas, she didn't know how it could help.

  13. Wesley M
    (Third Person Viewpoint)
    1) It is now late October and early November and Mattie is at the coffeehouse with Eliza and his hanging out with Nathaniel. She saw mother in the street during the parade when George Washington returned. 2) The first frost had just hit the city finally ridding the city of the Yellow Fever for the year. She and Eliza both worked to get all of the furniture outside to expose it to the frost. All of the little kids recovered from the fever and customers started returning to the new partnership of Mattie and Eliza. 3) Mattie was exuberant when she saw the first frost. She got up and immediately screamed for Eliza to take a look for herself. She was also very confident when she decided to open up the coffeehouse and partner with Eliza. She kept pleading for her to join her until mother Smith eventually convinced her to do so. 4) The fever was ended by the first frost and most of the people came back. President Washington also returned from the country which told mother that it would be safe to return home and was reunited with Mattie. 5) At the beginning of the story, Mattie just wanted to stay in bed and not do anything, but in the end when she wanted to go back to sleep, she told herself that there was no use in staying in bed. Since Mother wasn’t there to help Mattie, she had to run the coffeehouse and control most of what was happening through the business. 6) Mattie taking over mother’s coffeehouse is like how in Horton Hears a Who how the mayor talks about how many generations had taken after one another eventually taking their father’s position. In Shark Tank the people don’t know if the Sharks are going to take the deal or not just like Mattie didn’t know if Eliza would take the partnership with her for the coffeehouse.

    1. That's a great connection! In all of the episodes of Shark Tank it's a 50/50 chance to see if they'll say yes, just like how Mattie asked Eliza towards the end if she wanted to take the partnership she could say yes or no. Also in both the book and the show (Mattie and the entrepreneur) also make a plead to make them say yes. Good Job!

    2. What evidence is there that Mattie was exuberant?
      -Nate Turowski

    3. Wesley M
      She was full of energy and screamed for Eliza as soon as she saw the frost.

  14. Mikayla H.
    (Mattie's POV)

    (1)I had woken up to a chilly feeling. The coffeehouse was fine, and everyone was asleep other than me. Might as well check out what was happening. I looked out the window and was surprised to see little icicles falling. Frost. The fever was really over! We could re-open the coffeehouse, which is exactly what Eliza and I did. People flooded through he door like waves crashing into the ground. Philadelphia was back. (6) I can relate this to the princess and the frog. After Tiana went through a moment of crisis where she had to learn to survive that way, a cure (the frost) came over and she became human again. I can relate this to me because when the fever took over the town, I had to learn to survive in a different atmosphere. People died along the way, like they did for her. Also, at the end of the story, she opened a restaurant and co-owned it with her husband. (2) We were working in the newly reopened coffeehouse when we heard a crowd screaming. “The president is back! The president is back!” I heard someone say. I wanted us to go outside, . The whole office were riding in different cars, each passing as the applause grew. The celebration was almost over when we saw a tiny car following the road. When the door opened I couldn't believe my eyes. It was mother. (3) We were so happy when we saw mother, though she was weak and feeble. She couldn’t take care of the coffeehouse, even if she tried. This was a relief since Eliza and I decided that we should uphold the family business. We thought we were never going to see mother again. (5) I could say I am maturing because, of course, I am co-owning a business which is not an easy thing to do. Also, months ago I was the last one in bed. The one who refused to do chores. Now look at me! I am the first to wake up, far before anyone else in the coffeehouse. Also, I do all of the chores like it is no big deal. (4) The frost was shivering, but it meant that the fever was gone. We could finally go back to normal, but we would have to face remembering the ones that we lost. It's time for a new chapter in philadelphia.

    1. I like your connection because I agree that Tiana and Mattie both have to deal with hardships on their way to a happy solution.

    2. Jada A.

      Do you think the story would have been different if Mother woul dhave passed from the fever?

    3. Definetly! If mother had not come back, then Mattie would definetly think about her every day, like is she okay, is she alive, etc. Great Question!

      -Mikayla H.

  15. Reese S.
    (Mattie’s Point of View) A few days ago, the frost came. Now it’s nearing sunrise, and I seem to have risen before the city of Philadelphia. Sitting out here, on the front stoop of the coffeehouse, everything seems so calm, like a disastrous epidemic didn’t just wipe out thousands of citizens.(1) But no, despite all the pain and suffering we’ve seen, calmness fills the air, along with the smell of a cold blanket of frost. And yes, the weather may be rapidly cooling, but it is somewhat refreshing knowing all it brings. No more fatal fever spreading like wildfire through our town, destroying everything in it’s path.(2) And, even though our situation seemed desperate in the first place, the coffeehouse has returned to it’s glory, and customers are, again, popping in left and right. But, all this success calls for a lot of hard work, which is why I’ve asked Eliza to be my business partner. There is no one in the world more hard-working than her, or mother.(3) General Washington has returned to Philadelphia, which means the fever has likely been banished for good this year, but we have yet to hear. What we have heard, are the stories of even the richest families falling apart because of the fever.(4) Personally, I would never take joy in wishing terrible things on other people, but I’d say the Ogilvies may have gotten what they deserved. But that’s not my place to speak. My place is here at the coffeehouse, preparing, serving, and working all day, sunup to sundown, in order to make a living, and return the old Cook Coffeehouse to it’s prestigious image.(5) (My Point of View) These chapters remind me of a movie called So Undercover. They remind me of this because the basis of the movie is about the main character being independent, and doing things for herself. Also, in the movie the main character fights crime, which is essentially what Mattie is doing, fighting off Yellow Fever, and re-starting her life with a new spark of independence.(6)

  16. Nora S.
    (Matties POV) In Philadelphia, the frost has came. It is about to start the sunrise and I have woken before the city could. I was sitting out on the porch of the coffeehouse and I can almost think nothing has happened to the city of Philadelphia. It is like everything in calm. It is like this disease didn’t almost wiped out the whole city and all the citizens. (1) But not to forget al the terror that this city has gone through, all you can see is calmness and faith in people's eyes. That is all people ever want to see. This wonderful cold blanket of frost is bringing joy into people’s eyes. No more terrible fever is making people’s lives miserable and destroying the city apart one by one. (2) Even tho this situation has torn people’s lives away, we are back in business at the coffeehouse. Customers are coming in all over the place during our hours. But just for all this success, makes a note for hard work. I have asked Eliza to be my business partner for the coffeehouse. She would be the best partner ever. (3) The President of the USA has came. This means the fever has banished for good. Even tho we have yet to hear. Some of the people have heard, some of the richest people have had their families falling apart. (4) Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t make fun or talk about people behind their backs because it could make them sad and I don’t want that. I like to be nice and sweet to people. I just would like to stay in my own place. (5) (My POV) A real-life connection is the movie called Bird Box. At the end of the movie they are all safe and they can go outside. In Yellow fever they are all safe because the frost is here and it has killed the fever so they can be free again and go outside. (6)

    1. Reese S.
      Do you think the frost means the fever is completely banished for the rest of the year?

    2. Nick T. I like your connection to Bird Box because in Yellow Fever they were staying away from the fever and in Bird Box they wouldn't let themselves see and had to stay away from whatever they were running from.

    3. Reese S,
      I think once the frost goes away, there is a possiblity the fever may come back. I do not know for sure.
      - Nora Salem

    4. Great connection. I agree that you can make verry many connections between this book and the movie birdbox. Like how they are trying to survive. They have to risk a lot in both the movie and book. But in the ending of the book everyone is safe and happy just like the movie birdbox.

  17. Mattie's point of view
    Today is October 23, the happiest day of my life. I had been so exhausted the day before that I had just decided to quickly rest between the rows of the garden, but had ended up sleeping the entire night away. When I had woke up I could not believe my eyes. There was frost covering our garden. (1) Since the frost had come that meant that the fever had gone. When I came inside I saw that the children had been sleeping peacefully, looking as healthy as ever. A few days later after the Market was full of joy and people had started to return we officially had opened the coffee house up for business again. After the coffee house had been buzzing with customers again we saw that the president had come back, which meant that we really were safe. (4) We had also seen a trail of wagons coming in behind the president. We figured it was nothing important to us until one stopped in front of the coffee house. There was a thin, gray haired women who had stepped out. It was mother. I was so excited to see her! But, when I found out what had happened to her and how weak she was I knew that she wouldn’t be able to run the coffee house like she did before. (2) Since mother couldn’t run the coffee house that left me. So, I had decided that I would continue to run the coffee house with Eliza and take care of Mother as well. Since Mother had not yet fully recovered she was still going to need help taking care of herself. (3) Overall, these past couple days have been some of the best in a while. I learned how to take care of myself and others, and started to run a coffee house. Mother had always looked so mature when she was running the coffee house and I feel as if I have taken over her spot with just as much maturity. (5)
    I can relate chapters 26- the end of Fever 1793 to the movie Princess and the Frog. In the movie Princess and the Frog Tiana works night and day to be able to afford her own restaurant like her and her father had always dreamed of. This relates to Fever 1793 because Mattie works very hard at the coffee shop after she re-opens it to keep what her mother started alive. (6)

    1. Chelsea W

      I think your connection relates to the story really well due to the fact that Tiana works really hard to make her dream come true just like Mattie wanting the coffeehouse to become very successful. Good connection!!

    2. Thank you so much! I felt it connected very well too.

  18. Jada A,

    (Thrid Person)

    Mattie is back in the coffee house with Eliza, the children and Mother. The frost has finally hit Philadelphia. Things are starting to go back to normal and the way they used to. (1) Mattie experiences many problems and conflicts in these chapters. Mattie is very busy with the Coffee House, taking care of the children and still making time for Nathaniel. She also has a problem with Mother not being herself and Mattie is still caring for Nell which is making every a lot more work. But Mattie oves Nell and is like her Mother and will do anything for her. (2) . In these chapters Mattie experiences many different types of of emotions. She is happy that the fever is over and the frost has came. She was nerves Mother was not going to come back. She is stress with all the things on her plate that she has to do. (3) In these chapter the fever is finally over, thanks to the frost. The children are finally held and can be normal kids again. Mother can finally come home because there is no more fever too caught. (4) Mattie has developed a lot throughout these chapters. Mattie is becoming a young lady. She has much more confidence in herself. She is also much more responsible. She has reopened the Coffee House. Her Mother no longer can run it because she is still very ill from the fever. Mattie and Eliza are running the Coffee House. Mattie has really took complete charge in these chapters, running the Coffee House, taking care of the children, Nell and managing all of her time to do all of this. We have seen throughout these chapters that Mattie has really grown up and can be trust to handle and manage things on her own. (5) A connection I can make to these chapters is in the The magic treehouse after the adventurers they take, they always end up back home in the tree house. When MAttie returned home and the frost came everything was back to normal when she came home to the Coffee House. (6)

    1. Great connection! The magic tree house does relate to Fever 1793 because in the magic tree house books they always went through troubles, but always managed to have everything back to normal in the end. Like in Fever 1793, once the frost had come and the fever was gone everything went back normal.

  19. Izzy Ramey (Third person)

    (1)In chapters 26-epilogue, Mattie pretty much stays in the same spot. It is late October, 1793. Back in Philadelphia, Mattie and Eliza are running the Coffeehouse. They only spend time there and High Street. She stays in this vicinity for the rest of the book. (2)Mattie experiences many struggles in these chapters. In the very beginning of this section only, Mattie has to deal with still not knowing the status of her mother when everyone else is arriving home. During and following this realization, she has to leave a good impression on Nathaniel. She finally sees him after the Yellow Fever has passed. In the case of finding Mother, Mattie tries to tell Mrs. Epler, in hopes that the word spreads and someone may have seen her. When Mattie has a run-in with Nathaniel, she thinks to herself “Think of something intelligent,” and “Don’t be a ninny.” She has that inner conflict of deciding what to do and say. Finally, she has to move on. Grandfather and Polly are dead, and the city has lost many people. She looks at the sun and sees a new beginning, but you can tell she is still mourning. She can hear “Polly’s giggle” and “Grandfather’s voice”. (3) Mattie faces an influx of emotions, positive and negative. She is hopeful at many important points. The frost comes and kills the fever, which causes Nell and the boys to recover quickly. Mother returns home, which helps her stay hopeful for both her future and the future of the Coffeehouse. This also applies when Mattie finds Nathaniel, and when George Washington rides back into Philadelphia. Last but not least, she is awake for the last sunrise of the book. She views the sun as a beam of hope, shining into the city. Everyone has also come home that survived. The first nervous feelings Mattie has is when she realize Mother may not be the same, and probably won’t live as long. She feels jittery and unsure, but this is balanced out by a more positive kind of nervous. This is shown once again with Nathaniel. Mattie is talking to her crush, so it’s more butterflies than anything else. All in all, Mattie feels mature. She is waking up before everyone, preparing the coffeehouse, and being treated like a real woman. This gives her a boost of confidence, making her similar to her Mother pre-fever epidemic. (4) Yellow Fever has already passed, so there aren’t many instances. Mattie thinks about Polly and Grandfather, who died of the fever. Mother is weakened by the fever. Otherwise there is no direct contact with victims and not many disturbances that can be drawn back to the fevers antagonistic traits. Nathaniel speaks about his experience in that time, but never had the fever himself. (5) Mattie’s maturity skyrockets in these chapters. This is best shown in the epilogue, when things are back to as normal as they get. She gets up as soon as she awakens, while the rest of the house (including Eliza and Mother) is in bed. The sun hasn’t risen yet; Mattie is preparing the coffeehouse for guests and getting herself ready for another day. The last page says she “shakes the idleness out of” her skirts. This shows that she has the maturity to know when she has to start her day. (6) I can closely connect Mattie’s maturity through these chapters and the whole novel to a character in “The Dragon Prince” on Netflix. Ezran is 10 year old prince, and the king has died. He has to make a difficult choice, stay with his half brother and moon-elf friend Rayla on their mission? Or go home and rule over the land? This is similar to Mattie because she has to decide if she will take care of the coffeehouse or remain with more freedom and be treated like a child. Ezran chooses to go home and fight Viren(a possible antagonist) for control, just like Mattie decides to take over the coffeehouse. They both mature quickly and decide to do what has to be done: taking charge of properties they own.

    1. Great connection! Although I have never seen it, Ezran does sound very similar to Mattie also because of their age, they both had to make tough decisions at an age that they should never have to make those life changing decisions.

  20. TJ Renicker
    1St person for Maddie
    To day is December 11th 1793 and this past week has been the best week I and all of Philadelphia have had in a long time I am currently at the coffee house still with Eliza Nell the twins and mother has made it back from the Ludington's.(1) Since president Washington has come back everyone was assured that the wretched fever has gone and after that everything kept getting better mother has returned but she could look better. Me and Nataniel are getting along really well again and we have already opened up the coffeeshop.(2)These past months have been the worst possible time to be in but I got through and it was amazing to get that first frost and then it kept getting better we're keeping the coffee house, I am reassured now that I know mother is ok it just swipes away all the past months to start a new adventure.(3)Since yellow fever is gone everyone in Philadelphia is cheerful and happy again the market has reopened so has the post the church bells are ringing and not to tell us someone died it is just invigorating to see what we have went through and how fast we went back to normal lives.(4) Over the past months I have gone through so much and caused me to have a different look at all my days in August I would have to drag myself out of bed but now I am the first one to wake and are ready to start working if grandfather was still here I feel like he would be proud of how I matured.(5)
    (Third person) I make a connection to how in “Steven Universe” the episode “Change your mind” Steven and the crystal gems are able to heal every corrupted gem and put them back to their semi original state just like the frost did it got rid of the fever but can never get rid of all the people lost from the fever.(6)

    1. How will work in the coffeehouse change for Mattie now that Mother is unable to do much and Grandfather isn't there to help her?

    2. I really like your connection to steven universe i personally love that show

  21. Kaidyn Watson
    Third person

    Mattie’s environment in these last few chapters will be the mainly around the Coffee house. This is because in these chapters Mattie is going to live now at the coffee house and so will Eliza and the twins, on there is also Nell. It is now going in these chapters to be winter which means it is going to be cold and chilly.(26)

    Some conflicts or problems in these chapters are that mother is still missing, until chapter 28 when mother comes home. Then the problem is how frail and weak mother is.

    Even though the Fever is still out there and the children have the fever for another chapter or two after the beginning of this section Mattie is still a brilliant, energetic, hardworking girl that during these chapters when they were waiting for the frost she was very certain they would make it.

    Mattie is maturing in these chapters alot, well at least she is now showing that she is mature in these chapters. A few examples of this is when Mattie tries to get Eliza to partner with her, when Mattie opens the Coffee shop back open, and more.

    A real-world connection that has happened in these books would be how Mattie is strong but she doesn’t let her or anyone else see what she can do and isn’t known as the leader, but in these chapters she does. Like Mattie with her leadership is like Miles from Spiderman into the spider verse. Miles is strong but he doesn’t just know it yet, but in the end he brings out his inner leadership.

    1. What do you think these last chapters would be like if Mattie and grandfather made it to the ludington's.-Thad.F

    2. I feel as if there wouldn't really be a story to tell because grandfather would never die, Mattie would of never taken sick, (well maybe) Mother, grandfather, and Mattie would of met up and then no drama which then there wouldn't really be a story.

  22. October 23rd, 1793
    (Mattie’s point of view) It was cold when I woke up...the frost had come. 2) The frost had come and that means the fever will end! I stumbled to get to Eliza, to show her that we were safe. We took the mattress and the children outside, so they could lay down out there and get fresh air. Joseph had sent a basket of fresh food. The farmers had come back to down, and there prices dropped cause being the frost. Eliza and I had pushed all of the furniture outside, to expose it to the cold and get rid of the fever completely. The children’s fevers were broken. Eventually later in the day Joseph had come to the coffeeshop. I went down to the market. Everyone was happier, nicer, and the prices were lower. Philadelphia was back to normal. Nathaniel had talked to me at the market. He had started helping and coming to the coffeeshop much more too. Mother still hadn’t come home. Eliza, her family, Nell and I… and of course Nathaniel, had made a small thanksgiving dinner. That was when I asked Eliza to be my partner in business. Only three days after we had opened back up for business, the room was filled with people, tobacco smoke, and the smell of coffee and cakes. Nathaniel came crashing through the door shortly after leaving. The president had come back! That really means the fever is gone! I ran out the door to see him waving and smiling. A woman stepped out of the carriage, grey hair, and very skinny. Her face was familiar, tired, but most of all, beautiful. Mother was finally home. We had caught up after getting her inside. It was now December. Everything was back to normal, before the fever. Eliza and her family had slept in the house as well. I was the first to wake. So I had changed, and went down to open the coffeeshop. I made coffee for everyone, including myself, I had also set the table for breakfast just before Eliza had come downstairs. Philadelphia had finally moved on, and everything was back to normal. 3) I feel relieved. Mother is home, the coffeeshop is running again, Philadelphia was back to normal. 4) I had lost things to this fever, but I had also gained. I had lost my old friend, the strength of my mother, at one point, I had lost my trust, because of the burglars and what had happened to grandfather. But I had also gained strength, and independence. 5) I have learned how strong I can be when i’ve been left on my own. I’ve realized that I can survive on my own and I am very independent. I can do things on my own. 6) I can connect Mattie’s experience to a show on netflix Heartland because a well known diner in the show almost goes out of business but one of the characters saves it and later asks another character to partner with her because of how much she has helped her save the diner. -Audrey K.

    1. Chelsea W

      Do you think Mother will live much Longer?

  23. Nick T
    (1)October 23 1793, we were back at the coffeehouse(2)(4) Frost had finally came and got rid of the fever, the president and mother had both returned, and I started the coffeehouse up again with Eliza as my partner. (3) When mother had returned home I ran across the street without looking and hugged her I was so happy she returned. (5) Mattie is maturing because she decided to start the coffeehouse up again and make Eliza her partner so she is becoming even more independent then she already is. (6) This reminds me of the movie interstellar when the astronaut reunites with his daughter after many years.

  24. Lily Flounders
    (1) October 23,1793 the first frost came!Me and Eliza reopened the coffee house with a little help from nathaniel.(2)President washington returned! There were people lined up and down the main street with men waving their hats at the president and children cheerleading and holiring loudly!(3) A carriage was outside of the coffee house and a faint small old lady with a familiar warm looking face came out of it...Its MOTHER! I ran across the street and hugged her.I am so happy that mother has returned(4)Nathaniel started to help out a lot around the coffee house he made new paintings that brightened up the room.Nathaniel started to take night strolls with me.I am so happy that everything is going back to normal!(5) This reminds of the movie bird box when everything is gone in bird box at the end they find a way to make everything great again just like the book.

  25. Tiye J.
    (1)I have been a an awesome mood, the frost came so that is indication that the fever has ended. Eliza and I have opened the coffee house back up and the business is so good that even mother would be happy.(2)I have been threw good times the frost has came and I as so excited because Nell and the boys are feeling better and you also can’t forget that mother has came home although she is unable to work it is good to have her home.(3)I love love love that Nathaniel has come and he has been by my side threw all of the new adjustment and he has also started selling pictures. I have felt cared for since I have found Eliza and being with her, Nell and the boys have been a very heart filling feeling.(4) (Third Person) Some instances of Yellow Fever is that Nell and the boys have gotten over yellow fever because of the frost coming and then Eliza disinfected the whole coffeehouse furniture by taking it outside and letting the frost get to it.(5) Mattie has developed by becoming partners with Eliza and being able to Maintain the coffee house, then with mother came back she helped her feel comfortable and made sure that she would not get up and work. Then in the end Mattie was the first to get up and she made a cup of coffee for everyone other than in the beginning of the book Mother having to tell Mattie to wake up numerous times.(6) I can relate Mattie to Meg in the movie A Wrinkle In Time because she was determined to find her father after he had disappeared but then after a while she gave up and then with a little push she went on to find him just like Mattie. I can relate Mother to The father in A Wrinkle in Time because as mother had disappeared so did the Father both was helped on their way home and when they got home people were in awe when they seen them.

    1. Izzy Ramey

      I think your connection works really well! Do you think that if Grandfather was still alive, Mattie would have taken Nell in?

    2. Honestly I do not think that she would take in Nell because Mattie having to take care of a small child and an elderly person it would be too much on her plate.

    3. Why do you think Mattie had to make sure mother was comfortable? Landrey D

    4. Do you think that if grandfather was still alive that mattie would still take in Nell?


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